Monday, October 14, 2013

Blogger Update

Picture uploaded from Tumblr
Hi everyone!

My blog, known previously as Empty Pockets, Expensive Taste--has had a little face lift and is now (and hopefully will forever be) Coffee & Caroline.

The result of this blog re-vamp has caused all of your lovely comments to be deleted (which I'm sooooo sad about, but hopefully this will all be worth it).

I just think coffeeandcaroline is a lot easier to type & easier to remember than emptypocketsexpensivetaste.

Just wanted to post this to clear up any confusion. :) Also if you were following me on Bloglovin' you will need to re-follow my blog under it's new name: Apologies for that, promise it won't happen again!

Talk to you all very soon,

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>


Thank you for your lovely comments, I appreciate every single one!
